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Self-Awarness to Your Strengths

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A guy I'll call SnowCone led some discussion time about strengths based on that StrengthFinder test we took earlier. Here's a few of the highlights:
Weaknesses weaken you, strengths stregthen you.

You must identify where are you energized, and what is an energy zapper.

14% of people are in their sweet spot, waking up excited to be in the perfect match for their talent, strengths and theme.
The highlight in this discussion-oriented time was being reminded about how your weaknesses in leadership can be remedied if you enlist volunteers and teammates that are very different from you.


posted by Unknown @ 11:25 AM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


At 4/30/2007, Blogger Tony Steward said...

Agreed! (click here) Click yo!

At 5/01/2007, Blogger Nick said...

So let me get this straight...
Weaknesses weaken you, and Strengths strenghten you? Profound! =)


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