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People on the Blog: Volume 15

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This week's edition of people on the blog doesn't really focus on people, but the content that people have enjoyed in the past few months. Aside from the main page where you can read all of the stories on a single page (which gets more than 89% of total traffic), here's the top individual pages in 2007 so far:
10. Why do they read?
9. Sorry turned into joy
8. Tell why you're calling when you leave a voicemail
7. I've been cast as an old man
6. How Great is 24?
5. The Next T.O.
4. Back from the World Series of Pop Culture
3. Boise State amazing
2. Flying and children
1. My cowboy shirt

posted by Unknown @ 7:04 PM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


At 4/20/2007, Blogger Nick said...

Not being an expert blogger and all...how do you track who reads what?

At 4/20/2007, Blogger NoBadDaysCourtney said...

Flying with Children is still my all time favorite!


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