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Free Bluefish Video - Virginia Tech

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BluefishTV has a free video (through Sunday) you could use this weekend in your services if you mention or talk about the tragedy in Virginia this past week. Thanks to Kevin Massey for the lead there - be sure to grab it if it would be helpful!

This week has been difficult as we’ve seen the news of the tragedy in Virginia. Many people are asking tough questions about God, faith and evil.

Bluefish TV would like to encourage a moment in prayer and reflection for the students at Virginia Tech and everyone effected by this shooting. Download this free video clip to play for your congregation, small group or Sunday school class. These moving images from the prayer vigil could be used during a special moment of remembrance as you worship this weekend.

Thank you for faithfully leading people towards God in the good times and especially the hard times.


posted by Unknown @ 4:19 PM |

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