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Video Game Review: Worms

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This little game is a winner - not exactly groundbreakingly stellar and at times intensely frustrating, but a great throwaway game and some fairly easy achievements to rack up.

Basically its 'your worms against theirs' in a simple team battle - the last man standing's team wins. The premise is fairly basic. The controls are also basic, and the computer at times seems to make impossible shots. The graphics are HD, but definitely not pushing any boundaries compared to a full on 360 title. The pacing of the game is slow, it's most turn-based combat that I wouldn't typically prefer but here it works - it is accomplishing what it sets out to do for sure.

It is a fun game when you've only got an hour and I'm definitely getting more and more into it as I blow through the challenges. I would recommend it, but definitely not over the fantastic Heavy Weapon or above average Roboblitz also in the Live Arcade. B-


posted by Unknown @ 4:36 PM |

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