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Matt McGill Sports Instructional Video: Swimming

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I'm going to surprise McGill this week on the podcast and giveaway this classic Matt McGill's Sports Instructional video on the show. Should be fun - enjoy the preview!


posted by Unknown @ 11:28 PM |

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At 3/21/2007, Blogger Josh(ua) Treece said...

When I bought the tape from you off of ebay, this was not on it! No fair!

At 3/21/2007, Blogger Brent said...

That never gets old.

At 3/21/2007, Blogger Bob said...

If you made this available as a .wmv or a .mpg download you would be hailed as all time king of the blog world. That won't get you anything, but it would make me sooooo happy! Please, Please, Please?

At 3/21/2007, Blogger Jeff Smith said...

That was wrong on so many levels. Post more of the videos. FUNNY!

At 3/21/2007, Blogger John DeMarco said...

Oh my goodness, I was doubled over laughing. That is so funny. McGill's hair is awesome too.

At 3/21/2007, Blogger Stevan said...

vixy.net will help you save the movie to your hd

At 3/21/2007, Blogger Lee Roberts said...

That was classic vintage footage there. I nearly threw-up on myself too at the sight of Matt in his Speedo. Great vid. These need to be made available for all the world to enjoy. Some sort of digitally remastered version or something. Come on, let the world partake of M.M.S.I.V.'s.


At 3/21/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Thank goodness it wasn't fishing. I don't think anyone wants to see Matt's "Big-mouth Bass." Seeing his Speedo was traumatic enough.

Keep 'em coming Josh! Truly hilarious!

At 3/21/2007, Blogger Dave Miers said...

(on this blog)

At 3/21/2007, Blogger Nick said...


At 3/23/2007, Blogger Rob Cunningham said...

1. is that an andy kackle in the background of the bonus footage?

2. did anyone else realize matt was showing crack years before natalie got teased for her revealing podcast pose?

3. why were ALL the guys wearing speedos? so wrong.

4. with today's technology, why can't the original vhs be downloaded into digital format, and new dvd copies made? you know there's a natural audience for it. remind andy...it'll make money.

that video's a riot.

At 3/29/2007, Blogger Bob said...

Thanks for the Windows Media Download on the SYM site. You are King of the Blogs. Really appreciate it!!!

At 6/19/2007, Blogger Matt McGill said...

I've never been more embarrased in my life... we had to go to three different pools to shot this because there were too many people around and I felt like a huge (or fat) idiot. somone kill the internet and get this thing down.

At 6/19/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Deleted! JG


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