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How Does Your Church Brew Coffee?

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This originally was on Fast Company about businesses, but it'd be interesting to use the same logic to see what it reveals about your church culture.

Why should managers be bothered by any of this? Who cares where staff get their coffee, so long as it helps keep them awake and they are back at their desks working again before too long? Our Washington blogger has already hinted at why this matters. It has to do with workplace culture.

Until recently, when managers heard the word culture, they reached for their sick-bags. Costs, sales and profits did not strike many people as being particularly "cultural" concepts. But listen to what the 1,200 international executives surveyed by the management consultancy Bain have just revealed in its biannual "management tools and trends study": nine out of 10 say that corporate culture is as important as strategy in achieving business success.

Who your people drink coffee with, and where, is important. You may not think you need to promote the rise of "café society" internally, but a coffee culture could be beneficial - for collaboration, networking, and cross-fertilisation. It is this sort of so-called "soft" issue that has forced its way to the top of management's agenda.

"Executives would probably not have been nearly as interested in the question of culture 10 years ago, and would certainly not have talked publicly about it," says Darrell Rigby, a senior partner at Bain and leader of the management tools research since its launch in 1993.


posted by Unknown @ 10:12 PM |

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