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Final 4 Message Resources

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Just stumbled on this site today, featuring resources, videos and more for a message with a basketball twist. Something you might want to check out/consider.
March Madness has begun.

Sixty-five teams have their eyes on winning the ultimate prizeā€”a national championship. But these players, coaches and commentators have found that there is something more to life than "the big win."

While the thrill of victory is sweet and exhilarating, it only lasts a short time. Each of these people has found a lasting peace through a personal relationship with God.


posted by Unknown @ 1:03 PM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


At 3/29/2007, Blogger Rob Cunningham said...

thanks to some twisted people, sanjaya will be the next 'american idol.' sorry.

oh, and i woulda posted this under the idol video, but there was no way to post comments there. odd...


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