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Bad Word for the Church

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Just read this article that mentions the PDYM book, thought it had some fair insights into our churches and youth ministries. Here's a clip:

First, you must have a vision. How can we do something if we don’t know what we want to do? Churches that are going to be world-class must have a clear vision of where they are going and what it is going to take to get there. Members of excellent churches don’t just show up on Sunday and say, “OK, here we are, let’s have church.” They have people in places that have responsibilities and those people show up and do their job without the pastor holding their hand, because they see the vision. If you fail to plan, then you can plan to fail.

Second, excellence requires something very few people have anymore — a burden. Churches that have a burden for something succeed in that area. If your church is burdened for unsaved people, then more than likely your church will have a great outreach ministry. Few people are burdened or broken anymore.

Last, excellence requires passion. A church of excellence is made up of people who are passionate about being in the presence of the King. They love their church, their pastor, their small group, everything about their church and they want to do God’s work more often than just on Sunday mornings.

If the only time you worship God is one hour on Sunday morning, then you are not passionate about God. He is just a convenience to you, not a priority.


posted by Unknown @ 10:31 PM |

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