The Price is Finally Right
Tuesday, February 20, 2007 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
posted by Unknown @ 4:46 PM | has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 2/20/2007, MJ said...
did you play plinko? i <3 plinko!
- At 2/20/2007, Rob Cunningham said...
1. what did u win with your bid?
2. why didn't bob kiss you back?
3. will we see the next chapters, of you attempting to win THAT prize, plus you at the wheel? - At 2/21/2007, Dave Miers said...
dude - you're dragging this one out... good times!!
looking forward to the next one... - At 2/21/2007, Abram and Sarah said...
So what happened next?
- At 2/21/2007, Gary said...
YES!!!! I knew you could do it.
You actually kissed Bob Barker?!! ROFL. Can't wait to see what happens next.
BTW, when is the next Tips From The Trenches coming? I love those tips.
Love in Christ
Gary - At 2/21/2007, Unknown said...
I'm hooked - keep 'em coming!
FYI - Plinko IS the greatest game in PIR history. - At 2/21/2007, Brent said...
Bob really enjoyed that kiss. I think he was about to pull a Happy Gilmore on you though.
Are you going to tell the people what really happened after this? From what I recall... - At 2/24/2007, Defendable Faith said...
wow, I can't believe you kissed Bob Barker! that's totally rav.