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New PDYM Articles

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Just wanted to point out a couple of great articles on the official PDYM website written by some of our mentors - Lyndale Holloway wrote about "being me"
3. Build a team. Though you may be good, you aren’t that good. God made you to be you because He made someone else to be someone else and He will bring you together to be all that He needs you to be. Got it? Or how about a more biblical view of it. “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV) Don’t do ministry alone, if you do you are missing the point.

4. Keep things simple. You don't have to apologize for running a simple student ministry. It’s easy to buy into the lie that “more is better.” Most of the time adding more only spreads you too thin and burns you out. Soon you find your calendar so full of stuff that you have no time to do any of it. I began to realize that sometimes, the only reason I was adding things to my ministry calendar was because someone else at another church was doing it, so I thought I had to. Then I began preparing my sermon on peer pressure for the middle school group. Um yeah… which leads to…

5. Be Yourself. Kind of obvious after all of this but still necessary to say. Yes we all need to strive to be better; yes we all should continue to grow, but don’t let what you don’t have keep you from being what you can be. Being yourself is not an excuse for our shortcomings, rather it is living out the “new creation” that Christ has made us when we gave our life to Him.
Grant Byrd also wrote about their mentoring program which sounds like a solid idea as well ... here's a clip:
Mentoring has become the vogue.

In youth ministry, we jumped on it and did a good job of leading the curve. Most youth guys and gals know that spending quality time mentoring a teen is time well spent. would like to suggest a great resource that we aren’t tapping yet. Other Teens!

We came across a great ministry that allows our older students (Juniors and Seniors) to invest in our younger students (6th and 7th graders). They do it through a ministry called Teen 2 Teen. This simple program is part Bible study, part modeling and part friendship. The High schoolers meet with the youth minister once a week for a half hour and then commit to meet with their mentoree for an hour per week.

The material is simple and is built on the acronym CAPS:
C is for Challenge
A is for Affirmation
P is for Prayer Time
S is for Scripture

posted by Unknown @ 4:18 PM |

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