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My eHarmony Profile

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You might be wondering why I've been married for 11 years and have 4 children - and also have an active eHarmony profile. That's what a young lady asked me tonight at the Passion service when she came to the service to look me up. Really? Me? This has to be a joke - if not, it's a joke I want to play on someone else. But she was serious, and dissapointed I hadn't taken my profile down since I was now married. She left before I could put all of the pieces together of what exactly was happening.

Just to be clear, I don't have an eHarmony profile - never have and hopefully never will. No that there's anything wrong with that - it's just that I'm happily married so don't exactly feel the need for one. Just an interesting moment tonight. Here's what I shot over to them to get to the bottom of this:

Had a lady visit church tonight to see me and was surprised to find out I was married. Actually, I've been married for 11 years, have children and have never even signed up for a profile.

So is this just a simple case of mistaken identity, or is it possible for someone to be posing as me on eHarmony as a joke or something? Totally freaked me out, would appreciate some quick assurance on this.



So was happened? I'll keep you posted. Wild.


posted by Unknown @ 9:49 PM |

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