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You post a category with the letter of the alphabet, then put your favorite from that category in the next space. Thanks to Courtney for the tag.

A arm - right
B big city - Los Angeles
C church - Saddleback
D dog - border collie
E egg - over easy
F food - pizza
G gold - my wedding ring
H home cooking - beef stroganoff
I ice - crushed
J joke - the one about the cannibals, canoes and a fork
K kid - they are all my favorites
L look - evil eye
M meat - prime rib
N nuts - cashews
O old people -my grandma
P peanut - honey roasted
Q quote - that one from Winston Churchill
R rapper - Smitty
S song - Keep Holding On
T time - 7:10AM
V violin - a broken one
W weather - overcast
X x-ray - right arm
Y yodeler - Leann Rhimes
Z zoo - San Diego

I'm not going to tag anyone, in an effort to let this chain die a painless death.


posted by Unknown @ 12:01 AM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


At 2/07/2007, Blogger Allison said...

FINALLY! seriously.

At 2/08/2007, Blogger Brent said...

Blame Allison. I got tagged by her.

At 2/08/2007, Blogger NoBadDaysCourtney said...

I agree!! I got tagged by Brent who was tagged by Alice. It's good to see an end. Thanks for the entertainment.

At 2/08/2007, Blogger Julie Hibbard said...

Not ONE mention of a video game or system of any kind! Yeah!


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