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YouTube on Product Detail Pages

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We're trying an experiment on Simply Youth Ministry this week - we've replaced the typical "click here to watch a video" with an embeded YouTube file you can watch right in the product detail page. Check it out on the page for Doug's new book What Matters Most.

Comment me your thoughts!


posted by Unknown @ 10:00 PM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


At 1/10/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it works great for these reasons:

1. I don't have to download anything on my machine.

2. It is right there on the page, a great endorsement!

3. Free hosting of the video

I would see, especially if the videos are going to be shorter, if you can get the quality to be any better.

Very cool

At 1/11/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

We can definitely bump them up, this was just a test one we had encoded already. Good thoughts!


At 1/11/2007, Blogger Todd said...

pretty cool Josh. I might vote for a little shorter of a clip, but understand it's a trial run.

To take the idea a little further, it might be good to get other Youth Workers to comment on how they are using the product in their ministry context. Take a video camera whereever you go, get some footage, and throw them up when you get back to the office.

At 1/11/2007, Blogger Jeremy Little said...

I love it!!! I'm much more likely to watch a quick video clip than read the whole description, very cool!

At 1/11/2007, Blogger Jeff Smith said...

YES! Because I said so and I like what everyone else said.

I think to restate what Jeremy said, "Better than reading." Hmmm, that doesn't sound so good does it. Well, it true and sometimes the truth is not so good, but it will set you free -- so free us from reading and put more stuff on YouTube!


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