Video Game Review: Viva Pinata
Sunday, January 14, 2007 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
This is one of the those "impossible to describe but really good" games that comes along once in a while. It's somewhat genre-defying, kind of a super advanced pet simulator and strategy game. It's got no multiplayer or Xbox Live component, there are no guns and it doesn't have "Star Wars" in the title so this is a big departure for me.
The booklet and in-game tutorials give you little or no information on how to really play the game - so little, in fact, that this might be the first game I will buy a strategy guide for. Or at least look one up online. Basically it's a kids game that kids can't really play. I'm enjoying it, yes - somewhat frustrated at times, but my kids and I are loving it. B+
posted by Unknown @ 10:30 PM | has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 1/15/2007, Andrew said...
what do you do in this game? it's intrigued me for a while. do you go around filling yourself up with tootsie rolls only to get beaten into a glorious explosion of candy at the end? i must know!
- At 1/15/2007, Unknown said...
It's wild ... you build a garden, attract pinatas. Then they make baby pinatas. Seriously.
JG - At 1/15/2007, Andrew said...
woah. i'm not sure i can handle that mentally. that's just too weird. i have to check this out now.