Stuff From My Friends Blogs: Volume 14
Monday, January 22, 2007 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
I've been slacking on this continuing series of posts on my blog, but I do love to surf some friends' blogs and see what they're posting about. Here's some of my favorites from last week:
- Bella prays for backpacks
- Nadim gives a receipe away
- Allison finds an Adam Sanberg look-a-like
- Kurt solves the parent puzzle
- Top 10 things Puddles learned in youth ministry this year (maybe we all should do a post like this - interesting!)
- Rob talks about water-drinking games
- Ken wonders who is God?
- Adam agrees with Mark Cuban
- John loses a son but gains a frying pan
- Sean talks about youth ministry rock stars
posted by Unknown @ 11:55 PM | has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 1/23/2007, John DeMarco said...
Thanks Josh for mentioning my blog. I've gotten many visitors thanks to your enjoyment of my post.
A loyal reader,