Wednesday, January 10, 2007
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to DownloadYouthMinistry.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Just read that Cisco is suing Apple because they don't own the product name iPhone and they are pretending like they do. So fun!
Cisco has owned the trademark on the name "iPhone" since 2000, when it acquired InfoGear Technology Corp., which originally registered the name.JG
And three weeks ago, Cisco's Linksys division put the trademark to use, releasing an Internet-enabled phone called "iPhone" that uses the increasingly popular Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP.
posted by Unknown @ 3:30 PM |
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 1/10/2007, Andrew said...
I'm not surprised, even I knew about Cisco's ownership a few months ago. Did Apple not see this coming? Just because they put the letter "i" in front of everything doesn't mean they can use it if someone else owns the name. I was certain they would name it iMobile....which would make more sense because it is way more than a phone.
- At 1/11/2007, Rob Cunningham said...
iThink that iN time this iDea might iNtensify and become more iNteresting. iT also might be that Stevie Jobs simply has iGuts.
On a serious note, I'm pretty certain I heard/read that the new product won't be sold until sometime in June or so. That gives Apple plenty of time to pay Cisco to go away. Or market a new name. Or get buried by another options scandal. Alas. - At 1/11/2007, Brent said...
I read that Apple and Cisco were in talks to license the trademark before the keynote. Sounds like Cisco didn't like the announcement coming before the deal was inked, so they jumped on the lawsuit train early. It'll fizzle out soon enough.
- At 1/11/2007, Unknown said...
It looks like Apple's position is that other companies have been using the iphone name on their products and Cisco has not been actively defending their trademark. therefore is not entitled to keep the trademark.
At the end of it all Apple and Cisco will probably figure out a settlement without going to court.