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How Great is 24?

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If you didn't watch the 4-hours of 24 that have been played so far - have no fear, because I won't spoil them for you (and don't click here). I will however, smile quietly at the knowledge I have that you are oblivious to. The show is SO good, sure, full of plot holes and impossibilities, but I love it.

Season 6 is a little bit different, which was getting needed in the Jack-is-always-right-never-is-weak-everything-works-out-in-the-end formula. Don't miss it - grab the episodes on iTunes and start watching next week. SO good!


posted by Unknown @ 11:56 AM |

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At 1/16/2007, Blogger Folkestad said...

Not only do they have some of the best writers for the show, they also have some good promoters. The first 4 episodes are out in stores today in DVD format. Personally, I would go the itunes direction. Great show!

At 1/16/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heading to iTunes to download them.

At 1/16/2007, Blogger Rob Cunningham said...

My friends and I laughed last night when we saw that the DVD was going on sale just hours after the premiere ended. Product placement, silly promotions -- and as much as I try to get cynical about the show, I can't. It's still fun, as long as you don't take it too seriously. Though, if Valencia was nuked, that would probably mean Magic Mountain was gone. And that would be bad. Very bad.

At 1/16/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I put in "the address" of the nuke last night into Google Maps just for fun ... they said it like 3 times ... but it was ficitional. So much for 351 Old Mill Road in Valencia, CA!

I wonder if we're far enough away here in the OC ...


At 1/16/2007, Blogger NoBadDaysCourtney said...

I don't know who I love more. Jack or Chloe.

I have a love hate relationship with 24. I love watching it and I think they are brilliant but it hurts my heart, I don't do well with that much suspense. But you better believe I'm addicted and will suffer through the pain.

At 1/16/2007, Blogger Rob Cunningham said...

Forget if you're far enough way. The big question is if JACK was far enough away. Earlier in the episode, we saw a monitor display showing the immediate impact of a blast and the fallout area. It seems like if the nuke made that large of a mushroom cloud, Jack would be in the fallout area, right? So maybe he gets radiation sickness and dies.

Who's your leading candidate for this season's CTU mole? I had my eyes on Curtis filling that role, but not anymore...

At 1/16/2007, Blogger EM said...

If Jack's going to go down, he's not going to die from radiation poisoning... unless it's slow and painful, and he keeps killing bad guys up until the moment of truth comes...

But keifer just signed a 3 year contract for the show, and is currently filming the 24 movie, so i'm doubting that Jack dies this season... we shall see...

beep... beep... beep... beep.

At 1/16/2007, Blogger EM said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 1/16/2007, Blogger EM said...

BTW, not including the A-bomb, and any of the other "remote" attacks... I've counted 41 deaths...

and 5 explosions overall (including the bomb)

Any takers on the final numbers for the season? (explosions are a bit more deffinate, so i'd go with that one.)

At 1/16/2007, Blogger Rob Cunningham said...

LAMENESS WARNING: A movie based on 24? Yeah, I've heard the talk about it. But part of the appeal of the show is that the "content" continues for 18 hours. Trying to make a satisfying flick in just 2 hours (or even 3, if they wanted) just seems like it would be, well, lame. Am I right?

At 1/16/2007, Blogger Todd said...

Jack Bauer is turning into a little girl..all crying, emotional and insecure. I think China made him wear a dress, and taught him how to sit when he pees.

But 24 is still the best show...ever!

At 1/16/2007, Blogger EM said...

...and drink tea with his pinky in the air?

I wonder if he like show tunes now as well... :)(maybe he'll audition for American Idol tonight)

And yes... 24 is the best show... ever.

At 1/16/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I think the final death toll will cross 264,800 this season ... darn radiation will account for plenty, not to mention SPOILER Curtis!


At 1/17/2007, Blogger Brent said...

I was stunned! Thanks for the spoiler-free post though. I'm on a 24 hour delay to watch 24 each week.

At 1/17/2007, Blogger Bryant Johnson said...

i have watched all 5 seasons. was waiting for the 6th and i have got to say, i am hooked. mondays won't come quick enough for another 20 weeks.


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