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Google Searches That Lead Here: Volume 23

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Been a few weeks since I posted this regular column - so here's a quick look back at a few of the hundreds of interesting search terms that led people to the blog the past 7 days.

Actual Google searches that led here this week
lego star wars
north point community church andy stanley teaching ilife
dwayne jarrett jerk
rep. john t. mcgruder of colorado springs
"jakes sermons" mp3 audio
super star wars help guide tips
congressmen swear on purpose driven life
dwayne jarrett taunt
service starts now video
boise state amazing game
emergency bell
matt mcgill+actor
gainesville pd car break in ipod
sit down if game
apple bugs
chris dorrity arrested
the jesus phone
cocaine energy drink downfalls
purpose driven worship conference 2007
youth ministry article about how lighting and haze isn't effective
shamu toys
saddleback tip from the trenches
creflo dollar organizational chart
youth sermon "rock music"
racqetball rules north america
austin carty and (survivor guy) and contact information and speaking engagements
ipod troubles when importing large mv4
xbox 360 internet leads
jake rutenbar filled with the spirit
sony immersion appeal hid evidence
ektelon o3 vs e force lethal which is better
reformation generation
2007-2010 volvo xc90 body styles
i don't want to be a youth pastor anymore
greeting video
youth ministry "high school musical"
katie edwards youth ministry

Google searches I wish led here
living in the real world
I'm driving a buick
insane flaming clown posse
I want to tell Donald Trump "I quit"


posted by Unknown @ 10:45 PM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


At 1/13/2007, Blogger Josh(ua) Treece said...

dude, how is it that this snap.com thing is coming up whenever I scroll over a link on your page?

At 1/13/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

it takes 2 seconds to add ... just drop the code that SNAP.COM provides into your template right before the [/head] code. Nice, isn't it!



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