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Flying and Children

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Funny topic came up at lunch today - is it OK to drug your kids before you go on an airplane? You know slip them a little Benadryl before takeoff so they sleep the flight away and don't disturb other people on board.

I showed up strongly on the side of no - but surprisingly enough I was the only one in the group. Apparently, all of my co-workers (some with kids, others not) are OK with drugging their children. So I thought two things - 1) am I just being an over-protective parent, and should just drug them even when they are happy just so they behave, and 2) where do you draw the line if this is OK?

If your kid is healthy, should you give them drugs just to calm their nerves on a flight? Should I give them drugs to knock them out so I could enjoy a movie in a theater for once? As we talked about it, sure, I would certainly do other things - give them something natural (a big meal, hot tea, a whole turkey leg) that would calm them down - but drugs felt like it was over the line. According to a recent poll - quite a few parents are willing to to it though right before a flight.

So I guess my question is - are you? Leave a comment and settle this debate among the team!


posted by Unknown @ 8:35 PM |

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At 1/09/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As tempting as the idea sounds, I don't think I would do that. I hesitate to give my daughter meds as it is (unless she needs them of course!) because I think many people's bodies can become resistant to medicine over time so that a bigger dose is needed for future illnesses.

We will be flying to Vancouver in April with an active and very loud just-turning-two year old. I may change my vote after the flight out there... :-)

At 1/09/2007, Blogger Jason Pogue said...

I would never do such a thing to my two precious kids. However, if I were on the same flight as you and your family - I would hope and pray that that you gave your kids triple doses Benadryl and a beer right before the flight!

At 1/09/2007, Blogger Allison said...

Sure...I would drug someone else's kid so I could have peace and quiet on an airplane...

At 1/09/2007, Blogger .justin said...

we take off for hawaii tomorrow.
i have a 5month old.
we aren't going to do it.
but we will have lots of bottles and cuddles ready and waiting.
i'm nervous about him decompressing as we descend on approach.
then the last 10 minutes when he senses anticipation that we are about to deboard, but nothing is happening.
that part worries me.

At 1/09/2007, Blogger NoBadDaysCourtney said...

When I flew to Hawaii a couple of months ago my sister-in-law and I had this very discussion because the couple in front of us had a 4 month old that was so drugged that she slept the whole 5 1/2 hours and at one point when she started to wake up, they gave her more. I was OUTRAGED!!!
I don't believe in it. I do however think they should make a family section on planes. Parents are more forgiving towards kids on a plane than anyone else. Then you don't have to stress about it.

At 1/10/2007, Blogger EM said...

My father-in-law has a couple of toy-fox terriors... he drugs them every night... takes half a benadryl and puts in a bite-size cube of velvetta... calls it "sleepy-time cheese." genius.


At 1/10/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

I would rather not. I'd rather have them learn lessons on how to act in public places. It's the jobs of parents to keep their kids occupied. Plus a plain ride is a really sweet experience, especially for a kid. They soak it all in.

At 1/10/2007, Blogger Andrew said...

Not that I have any kids, but if I did, I would probably consider it. There is an easy solution when they get to be a little bit older, it works quite well: gameboy. It doesn't even have to be a GBA or DS so long as you have a couple good games and batteries. This shut me up real good when I was younger.

At 1/10/2007, Blogger Jason Curlee said...

I think it is easy and tempting as a parent to escape the responsibilities of parenting. It is lame and irresponsible.

You go Josh, I side with you. In a world that is shaking all around us you be the rock of sanity.

Jason @ Making Difference Makers

At 1/10/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always take some Benadryl or some Dramamine myself before a flight. I really don't like flying much so when I have to I make sure I'm out for the flight.

At 1/10/2007, Blogger matt said...

Well, a crying baby actually doesn't bother me at all, since it's not my kid. I don't yet have little junior matts (or jens), but I figure that I'll feel badly if it bothers someone else, and apologize, but after that, not much I can do, I mean, they're in a confined space with lots of people, and they knew that would be the situation, so they had to figure that there would be at least one person who would make the trip less enjoyable, be it adult or child.

At 1/10/2007, Blogger Cathi said...

Oddly enough, I just had this conversation with a bunch of people about a month ago. I am COMPLTELELY supportive of sedating your children- and I know a number of nurses who would agree with me :)

At 1/10/2007, Blogger Brian Cooper said...

Sedating them and giving them enough to take the edge off are two different things. I am opposed to totally knocking them down but, I don't see a problem with giving them a little something to take the edge off them and help them settle down a little. My wife and I used to fly with my son all the time and we never really gave him anything other than some warm milk and a blanket and for the most part he was good. We had a few little episodes but, overall he was good. So I side you Josh....I work in the medical field and I know how dangerous drugs can be with they are misused.....

At 1/10/2007, Blogger NoBadDaysCourtney said...


At 1/11/2007, Blogger Rob Cunningham said...

Josh, when was the last time you got this many comments on a single post? Maybe it was that post when you admitted you were a closet Pentecostal?

At 1/11/2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Best. Post. Ever.


At 1/13/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When my children were little, they always seemed to have "colds" about the time we had to drive 20 hours straight to G'mas house for Christmas.

Poor sick children. Needed dimetap or such.

Josh probably doesn't remember this. He was pretty groggy the whole way to Wyoming . . .


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