Movie Review: Open Season
Thursday, December 28, 2006 has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
The movie is pretty straightforward fare - there's a circus performing bear that has a sugar binge through town and gets kicked into the wild. A few side notes appear now and again, but basically afterthoughts to the 90-minute central plotline.
The big battle sequence in the final 1/3 of the film is the reason to watch the whole movie, it's a bit of food-fight-mixed-with-Braveheart that has some genuinely funny moments you'll enjoy. But still it lacks the punch and complexity of a Pixar story (A+) and the solid humor and timing of Dreamworks (A-) and often resorts to bodily language humor instead of something humor.
The ending is ultimately unsatisfying, I thought of several alternate endings that would have made a more powerful point then what happens on screen. Maybe the DVD will include one?
Still though, the kids loved it; therefore, so did I. Take the family to the cheap seats or rent it on DVD in a few weeks. B-
posted by Unknown @ 11:15 PM | has now moved to - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 12/30/2006, said...
Do you review these movies as they come out or as you see them?? Is this one out on DVD now? We went to see it awhile ago...I agree with your review!!