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McNutt on Biggest Loser Finale

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My new friend Matthew McNutt is going to be on The Biggest Loser LIVE finale this week - just shot us this note, and thought I would share!
Hey guys ...

At NYWC, Doug & Josh had told me to remind you all when I was going to be on the Biggest Loser ... well, the live finale is next Wednesday, December 13th, at 8pm on NBC. I'm actually winging my way out to LA tomorrow night!
And, it's been a month and a half since you guys saw me - but I'm still plugging away! I've dropped another xx-xx pounds. Not much of me left! I'm going for a win, but we'll see what happens. Regardless, it's going to be a lot of fun and I would love for all my youth pastor friends out there to tune in and watch!

Heck, it's live TV. Maybe I can slip a "chem" into the conversation and have 20 million viewers scratching their heads! I think I'd get the prize for the most chem exposure!!!

- Matthew McNutt

posted by Unknown @ 11:16 AM |

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