Hard Drive Failure
Thursday, December 7, 2006
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to DownloadYouthMinistry.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
This is a terrible day. My 80GB hard drive just failed on my work laptop. Oh, man.
posted by Unknown @ 4:11 PM |
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 12/07/2006, Unknown said...
Kind of ... but not in the last 2-3 weeks, which is pretty meaningful stuff. Crap. JG
- At 12/07/2006, said...
I'm sorry - At 12/07/2006, said...
wow... painful. sorry.
- At 12/07/2006, said...
wow, that really sucks...
could it be related to your recent loss of fertility?
yeah probably not... - At 12/07/2006, said...
That was me! - At 12/07/2006, said...
Must have been a PC Laptop!!!! :P Sorry man... that TOTALLY sucks!!!!
- At 12/07/2006, said...
Feelin' you! Here
and Here
HD crashes stink. Totally would LOVE a stable solid state 160GB drive...
~PKLN - At 12/07/2006, Rob Cunningham said...
Wait...you're supposed to back up hard drives? Hmmm....
- At 12/08/2006, said...
if you don't have a recovery tool, use this http://www.recovermyfiles.com/ . i have used it in the past. worked great.
- At 12/08/2006, said...
Dude, I know how you feeling, mine died a couple of months ago! There is nothing worse, except the prices for data recovery, I business I would love to get in to.