We Should be Sponsored by Propel
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to DownloadYouthMinistry.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Just restocked today ... in time for today's show. Nice.
posted by Unknown @ 10:03 AM |
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 11/28/2006, Folkestad said...
What did we do when we had to drink normal water? I had to go 3 weeks without Propel in Africa, its good to be home!
- At 11/28/2006, said...
That is amazing! I like your style. I have always been afan of over stocking a fridge with liquids... Especially if the labels are all facing the right direction and they are assorted by color.
- At 11/28/2006, said...
You know Pepsico that owns Gatorade that make Propel is just down the street from Saddleback and I'm sure some head honcho goes to Saddleback...