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Thanksgiving SYM Podcast

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We recorded a short SYM podcast this week this afternoon (I still need to go get stiches, talk about dedication!). It's being digitized right now and will be online tonight if everything goes as planned. Yeah - back in full swing next week, too!


UPDATE 5:50PM: The show is up on the site and in iTunes!

posted by Unknown @ 2:19 PM |

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At 11/22/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I tried emailing podcast@simplyyouthministry.com at 10:00ish (central time) about 3 times and my mail server says there was a problem in your inbox, My email is nickwjacobsen@gmail.com, and my name is the obvious.. Nick Jacobsen

At 11/22/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just so you know, one man's pain is another man's triumph...

As in, congrats you your Angels on pickin' up Gary Matthews, JR from my Rangers... Just when we get a team we can get behind, it's fruit basket upside down...

We have a saying around here... "Every Champion is a former Ranger." because before these player can actually win a champion - we trade them away and ruin the team's chemistry.

So if i'm ever in Cali around an angels game... I'd love to go watch my former Ranger perform...


At 11/22/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

did you listen to the podcast all of the way to the end? JG

At 11/23/2006, Blogger Rob Cunningham said...

Evan (EM), your Rangers saying could apply to my KC Royals, too. There's a laundry list of former Royals who went on to greatness. In KC, they stunk -- or even when they did well, a la David Cone -- and the team dealt quality talent to other teams, where they went on to compete in the postseason, win the World Series, cure cancer, and win the Nobel Prize. Well, some of that, anyway.


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