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The Line for PS3

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Was at Target tonight for a minute ... the line for the 12 PS3's they'll be getting is already 15 people long (and they still have 36 hours to wait!). I hope they'll have their $750 ready for the console, a controller and a game! Me? Wow - not interested.


posted by Unknown @ 10:03 PM |

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At 11/16/2006, Blogger Lee Roberts said...

Come on Josh, not interested in selling a $750 item for $1500+. That doesn't sound like the Josh I've gotten to see and know(through a blog and podcast at least.) This is a great investment. Help pay some of those Christmas bills. Buy a new xbox 360 game. The possibilities are endless

At 11/16/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

That IS true .. because they are in short supply and will sell out, I would expect $1500+ for the first few on eBay ... then it goes down $100 a week as supply increases. Make some holiday dough!



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