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In God We Trusted

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Does the new $1 coin really not have In God We Trust on it? Actually, it does, despite rumors to the contrary flying around the net this week. "In God We Trust," "E Pluribus Unum," the issue year and the mint mark will appear on the edge.


posted by Unknown @ 4:30 PM |

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At 11/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

putting GOD on the edge...

sounds about right.

At 11/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is crazy... I think that it is kind of crappy that they are putting it on the edge instead on the front or back..at least it is on there somewhere.

At 11/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does it make a country more or less God-fearing or Christian simply because they have, "In God we trust," on the currency?

At 12/01/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attacking the person is really a cool thing. Answer the question.

At 12/01/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

I would suggest that no ... it probably doesn't.

It's just an indication of special interests and political correctness, which aren't exactly my favorite things.



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