Halo 3 Public Test, New Commercial and More
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
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IGN Xbox360 carries the news of Halo 3's public beta test this Spring, the Fall 2007 release of the game, and an exclusive trailer during Monday Night Football. Here's a clip:
Next spring you will play Halo 3. To celebrate the fifth anniversary of Halo, Microsoft and Bungie announced a trio of upcoming releases, which includes a public multiplayer beta test for Halo 3 in 2007. There is a god and his name is Master Chief.JG
Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta
Bungie tested Halo 2 with a much ballyhooed Microsoft internal beta program. Many of the suggestions for tweaks and adjustments to Halo 2 multiplayer came from more than a thousand MS employees trying out Halo 2 on a set of private servers. For Halo 3, Bungie is expanding its testing circle significantly. Next spring, Bungie opens the Halo 3 multiplayer beta to Xbox 360 gamers, allowing fans to try out an unspecified number of maps and game modes and to help Bungie make the strongest online game possible.
"The Halo Nation has a nearly insatiable desire," said Jeff Bell, corporate vice president of global marketing for the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft Corp. "We hope a taste of advance Halo 3 gameplay satisfies some of their appetite as we count down to the game's launch later in 2007."
posted by Unknown @ 9:25 AM |
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