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Adding a Cross to the Passion Venue

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Our Passion venue service is in a semi-portable tent that doesn't have a cross in it yet. We're having one made in the coming weeks and I'm considering some different styles for it. Got some ideas? Most of the other locations on campus have a pretty standard cross, and obviously the towering steeple on campus covers the heart of Saddleback's campus.
Seen something neat? Comment me some fresh ideas!


posted by Unknown @ 10:31 PM |

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At 11/21/2006, Blogger Rob Cunningham said...

Our ministry is Route 1 Student Ministries, so the cross in our youth facility is a simple old cross with a twist: it's covered in license plates from a whole bunch of different states. Works well with the ministry's theme, it grabs students' attention, and it was a way for someone in our church to worship God through their creative giftings.

At 11/21/2006, Blogger Dan King said...

Check out a song by Craig Ginn (soulsurvivor canada) called, 'Polished Cross' ... maybe it will give you some inspiration.

Find it here:


At 11/21/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were going to make one out of old, chrome car/truck bumpers that I had collected from ramming people off the road in fits of road rage.

Either that, or from the skulls of kids we've "lost" in our monthly chubby bunny tournaments.

At 11/21/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Great ideas! Keep 'em coming! JG

At 11/23/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cross made from nails/spikes, etc (use a 2x6 base, then cover it 100% with the nails so no wood shows)

At 11/25/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the cross need to be semi-portable like the tent? I would use PVC pipe, and take canvas or other rough cloth and make it kite style. Cut out some from each of the straight edges to give the cross feel instead of the kite feel, but that would give you a lightweight cross that could be dis-assembled and re-assembled at will, and would transport easily.


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