Rick Warren in Newsweek
Sunday, October 15, 2006
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Just saw this on MSNBC. Worth reading, if you're into this sort of Christian subculture drama.
Time was, not so long ago, that no one ever said a bad word about Pastor Rick Warren. He was the genius grower of churches, the California whiz who found a magic formula for marketing Christianity to the masses, who hit the jackpot with his book "The Purpose Driven Life," by some accounts the best-selling nonfiction book ever. The newsweeklies noticed him, The New Yorker profiled him, members of Billy Graham's family lauded him and Bill Gates himself hobnobbed with him.JG
In recent weeks he hasn't seemed so bulletproof, and one has to wonder why. The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal have put him on their front pages in not wholly flattering lights: the former for helping push a tax break for clergy through Congress, the latter for selling a church-revitalization strategy that some pastors say doesn't work. In her blog, syndicated Christian-radio talk-show host and producer Ingrid Schlueter has devoted herself to critiquing megachurches in general and Warren in particular; she is irate about lots of things, including his "hula ministry."
posted by Unknown @ 4:59 PM |
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- At 10/16/2006, said...
How does this effect you guys? Does it slow you down at all?
- At 10/16/2006, Unknown said...
Not in the least ... but I love to read websites list the one mentioned in the article, because they help me see ministry from the outside. If something genuinely needs changing, I'll strive to make that happen. But more often than not though, it simply isn't accurate.
The part that amazes me is how much energy Christians spend criticising other Christians in an effort to "defend the faith" or "be discerning" - when I can only think that non-Christians look at this, or read it in Newsweek, and mock both groups.