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Passionate Response This Weekend

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Great weekend at Saddleback, Pastor Tom taught expositionally through the Matthew 7 passage on judging other people. It was a great sermon - at the end our venue had a different ending where we asked people to spend time in prayer as a response to the message, to confess sin if they were living in hypocricy and to come clean before God. I sat on a stool in the front of the stage and offered specific prayer for those who wanted to come forward - it almost felt like an old-school invitation from when I was a kid. Very cool.

So it was great, over the course of the closing song (Amazed by Jared Anderson), 5 people came forward with various requests and personal situations. People can easily hide in the crowd, but one of my recent learnings is that some people are hiding in the crowd but are dying inside for the personal touch and connection. Good weekend - next week stats a new series on vision with Pastor Rick. Can't wait!


posted by Unknown @ 9:18 PM |

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