Miramar Air Show
Saturday, October 14, 2006
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Enjoyed Friday afternoon and Saturday at the Miramar Air Show - this is the place where the best and the brightest have been trained in Top Gun. While the Top Gun program has been gone for years now, this is still a super historic airbase and a powerful backdrop for the air show. We spent the night at a friend's beach trailer in the area, so we were about a block from the beach - and just far enough away from home to be really "away." So fun - here's the highlights:
- Seeing the V-22 (vertical takeoff rotor aircraft) in action
- The jet engines of the Super Hornet- maybe the most incredible sound in the world
- Seeing a MiG flying around San Diego
- Actually getting to read a book from cover to cover
- Sitting on the beach for 2 hours with the kids
- Sitting in San Diego traffic for 2 hours (does this qualify as more time with the kids? Argh.)
- Reese's Pieces, hole-in-the-wall-resturants and Salt & Vinegar chips
posted by Unknown @ 9:16 PM |
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- At 10/16/2006, Unknown said...
We got some from Target ... the brand with the chicken on front. Maybe you guys should come over for Monday Night Football and bring some to share? Would be fun - let us know! JG