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Today a family member has died.

At least, from all of the crying from my children you would think so. Our family's Xbox 360, purchased at the Zero Hour premiere of the console in the Mojave Desert last November ... well, it died tonight. After continual freezing over the last 2 days it finally gave us the Red Ring of Death (RRID) hardware failure.

Surviving the console are 3 devastated children, a frustrated mother and a heartbroken father. Gifts can be sent to the Xbox360 Memorial Fund at Saddleback Church. Fortunately, all funeral expenses have been paid for by Microsoft.

Rest in peace, old friend.


posted by Unknown @ 10:09 PM |

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At 10/19/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what else should one expect from a microsoft produt?????

Macs Rule

At 10/19/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, as Bill Cosby says...

"Don't think I won't kill you, son! It doesn't matter to me either, cuz i'll make another one that looks just like you!"


At 10/19/2006, Blogger Jason Pogue said...


Zero Hour Model = Beta XBOX 360

further translation:

at some point you will have many issues with this model and we will have to replace it. however, and until then, thanks for being our guinea pig.


Microsoft's XBOX Division

At 10/21/2006, Blogger SpirituallyStarving said...

Um ... mine is doing the same thing ... but I get a couple hours of gameplay between 3/4 red ring of death. Jan 06


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