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Google Searches That Lead Here: Vol 15

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Every week I post the words that people type into Google to find this website. This week there were 91 different words/phrases used to lead here, down from 122 last week. Here's the real search terms people used, followed by some searches I wish led people to the blog. Enjoy!

Actual Google searches that led here this week
leland chapman engaged
wildside saddleback
youth ministry blog links
don't believe everything
jessica alba youth group
mtumbe chigumbura
youth pastor salaries
cathi workman blog
willow creek community church "the train wreck"
star wars shortened lyrics
video miramar air show 2006
snl tsa skit video
youth ministry job search blog
erik fitzgerald youth pastor
greg stier video
you won't believe what's inside you
downsizing to one car
the history of youth ministry vol.1
pastor rick pounds new 2007 collection plate
willow creek uk tape of leadership summit 2006
saddleback church and halloween
blog rwanda saddleback
saddleback hsm photos
leesa witt wedding
miramar air show
brian schwanbeck
schwanbeck ign entertainment
don't wait for the hurst to take you to church
is everything we read on the internet true
bill daily saddleback church
is nike entereing new market
does syms have crocs
cocaine drink "jamie kirby" "official site"
doug fields junior high youth group first night
why church ministry sucks
church video parody deal no deal
parents and myspace
dan t. cathy and chic-fil-a net worth
tribulation force audiobook itunes stereo or mono
creflo one night with the king review
jake rutenbar
2006 email contacts of pentecostal pioneers
debunking the madden curse
josh griffin austin texas
flavorless urine color change additive
rick warren +rwanda +"october 2006"
chic-fil-a's founders book
snl tsa skit
psalty's christmas calamity cd
leland chapman hawaii
google video grarls barkley "crazy"
leland chapman tats pics
pirates of the caribbean dead man's chest cracken sound effects
louie giglio catalyst
rick warren saddleback layoffs
pirates of the caribbean cracken sound effects
brandon warriax youth pastor
sabatticals for religious women
diet mountain dew tastes
amazed "jared anderson" what does it mean?
snl "tsa skit" video youtube

Google searches I wish led here
Waffle House
Wahoo's gift certificate
cheap batteries aren't worth it
in the year 2000
The OC needs a Cracker Barrel

Every week people ask how I do this - simple ... I use Google Analytics to find out the info. And other useless information, like the fact that 30% of my visitors are first timers this week, the top two stories were Beta SYM and Campaign for Real Beauty, 93% of all visitors to the blog are from the US, and 11% are already using the new Internet Explorer 7.


posted by Unknown @ 9:24 AM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


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