Ah yes ... the Lovely Vasectomy
Monday, October 30, 2006
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to DownloadYouthMinistry.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
Just scheduled my vasectomy this December. Just thought you might be wondering. :)
posted by Unknown @ 11:57 AM |
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 10/30/2006, Allison said...
I a little bit hope that Ange gets knocked up before then...how funny would that be?
- At 10/30/2006, .justin said...
you should have it done on the podcast.
- At 10/30/2006, said...
Dude! Did you not learn anything from the big "V" talk that Jay gave us at the Gathering? You know someone will be there that goes to Saddleback!!!
- At 10/30/2006, Unknown said...
Oh yeah, REAL funny. :) JG
JG - At 10/30/2006, Rob Cunningham said...
Hmm, I'm pleased to admit that I really hadn't thought much about whether you were going to have that particular procedure. But thanks for sharing. Really.
- At 10/30/2006, Phil said...
NOVEMBER 17TH MAN...THAT'S MINE! I'm giddy like a 5 year old on christmas morning! i really don't think i should be as excited as i am...but i really am. i think something's wrong with me.
phil - At 10/31/2006, said...
ice ice baby
- At 10/31/2006, said...
Definately the best choose - plus life is a lot more fun post V (wink, wink).
I recommend following the Dr. orders exactly. Plus frozen peas work better then Ice. 2 bags, keep one frozen, one for icing, then rotate. The peas tend to hug a little closer. - At 11/02/2006, Phillip said...
I wasn't wondering, but hey, thanks.