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New Cocaine Energy Drink

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It doesn't really have cocaine in it, but you can be sure your students will dig this new energy drink for the name alone. Heres a clip from today's Daily Mail:

The high-energy drink is being billed as a "legal alternative" to the class A drug, using a massive hit of caffeine instead of cocaine.

Its maker claims the title is "a bit of fun" but critics slammed the technique as a cynical ploy which could tempt young people into using drugs.

The drink's inventor, Jamie Kirby, said: "It's an energy drink, and it's a fun name. As soon as people look at the can, they smile."

He claims Cocaine is "350 percent stronger than Red Bull" but that people do not experience the "sugar crash" or jitters that he says some of the other energy drinks can produce.


posted by Unknown @ 10:28 AM |

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At 9/21/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next up, crack chocolate bars.

At 9/21/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

it should give krunk juice a run for its bling


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