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Learnings from Rock Harbor

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Sunday night was a great night at the 20-somethings service over at Rock Harbor. A great break from the normal routine for us - went over there with the director of venues, the membership pastor and the singles pastor from Saddleback. Here's few of my thoughts and learnings for the night:

posted by Unknown @ 11:11 PM |

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At 9/04/2006, Blogger Cathi said...

This is so great Josh. I would love to hear more of your thoughts on this.

At 9/04/2006, Blogger Danny Bowers said...

RH is a great church! we visit whenever we can when we are around that area....very intentional church!

At 9/05/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that you all went to another church to see "how they do it." You don't hear of some the "50 Most Influential Churches in America" going to other venues. Great stuff.


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