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Jesus' Face on Beer Glass

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These things never cease to amaze me. Here's a clip:

An advertisement featuring the face of Jesus as a 'miraculous' apparition on a beer glass has caused anger among critics who say it undermines anti-binge drinking campaigns.

The image of Jesus in the froth left on the sides of an almost empty pint glass next to the words 'Where will you find him?' will spearhead the Churches' Advertising Network (CAN) festive campaign to encourage church-going this Christmas.

The poster makes reference to the worldwide trend for finding holy images in everyday objects from the face of Jesus in a frying pan, to Christ on a fish finger, the Virgin Mary on a toasted cheese sandwich and even Mother Teresa in a cinnamon bun.

The creators of the new poster said it was aimed at provoking "thought and debate" among young people about where and how people find God. It would be accompanied by a series of radio advertisements in which young people talk about their spiritual beliefs.


posted by Unknown @ 9:33 AM |

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At 9/15/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The other day I could had sworn that I saw Field's face in my half pound bean burrito...once I realized it was his face I had to tell him to get his own burrito..this was mine!


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