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Google Searches That Lead Here: Vol 11

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Back for the 11th Friday in a row revealing some curious Google searches that lead here. I swear some of these this week are way over the top. Then after that, I'll post some of the searches I wish led to this spot on the web.

Actual Google searches that lead here
pastor steve witt oh myspace
brother yun saddleback
maranatha baptist bible college
before he cheated carrie underwood
josh griffin star wars
mark griffin josh griffin michael griffin
tony kornheiser sucks monday night football
carrie underwood "before he cheated" lyrics and song
myspace todd szymczak
sweet t-shirt mnf commercial
jake rutenbar
teach in north korea
griffin + blog
download grarls barkley song - crazy
son of the bride speech
group magazine "vince beresford"
josh griffin blog
leland chapman graphics myspace
tonya luster duane chapman
dont believe everything you read on the internet
grarls barkley crazy lyrics
family feud "sermon series" television church
father of the bride speech read by son
timeline of unicorn belief
dennis bellesi
josh manning blog
espn monday night football player introductions
josh manning sucks
play like a champion today commercial
saddleback youth wildside
footprints parody onion
pastor dennis bellesi
rumor hiv/aids needles hidden under gas pumps
josh manning's blog
divas gentleman's club minneapolis
josh putman
ministrycom kathy sharp
star wars shortened
ektelon o3 red breakage problem
how do i start a chic fil-a franchise?
google movies dcla football
gerry rojas saddleback
polydot print
the history of youth ministry vol.1 movie pdym
driven student ministries myspace
frank nike golf "tiger woods" ad "you can be replaced"

Google searches I wish led here
I want to meet Dog Chapman in person
friend of emergent
fighting fundamentalist
make my day proud
is my car overpriced?
the golden years of youth ministry
Sea World party time

Other interesting stats ... over 1,500 different computers visited this blog this week. 26% of the audience were first time visitors, 7% came through a Google search. The most read post of the week was me being on G4's Attack of the Show, followed by meeting Michael Chang at Chipotle.


posted by Unknown @ 8:17 AM |

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