Endless Summer in San Clemente
Monday, September 11, 2006
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Had an AWESOME time in San Clemente on Sunday - they had a big summer outreach event on the high school campus to help get the word out about Saddleback's new campus in San Clemente. About a jillion people there ... OK, not that many, but the crowd was great. The weather was perfect and here's a few of my personal highlights:
- The U2 cover band was stunningly accurate - the guy looked just like Bono
- The orange Camaro at the car show should have won hands down
- Riders 4 Christ is only getting more entertaining and amazing
- Bounce houses are simply designed to hurt small children
- Fun seeing Jake as the lead youth guy there
UPDATE: Just saw that Leigh posted some thoughts about the cover band, too. Funny.
posted by Unknown @ 7:10 PM |
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