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Sick as a Dog

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Nothing more frustrating than being sick. Fortunately, I only go down maybe once a year, but when it hits ... shoot, it's a doozy. Anyhow, stayed home from work Friday, still laid up today, running at about 70% I think right now on the way back from the grave. Whew! Anyhow, spending some quality time with my bed and the kids. Argh.


posted by Unknown @ 11:56 PM |

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At 8/19/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You show us what you EAT in North Carolina (where Billy Bob runs the health department and sewage treatment plant) that is DISGUSTING and then you WHINE when you get sick.

Remember what I taught you in Israel? Chug-a-lug an entire bottle of Pepto (the real thing). You can eat real garbage . . or grits and shrimp . . and live to whine about it.

At 8/20/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

You're SO right. This is my fault. But I love discovering new tastes!



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