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Just Discovered Google Trends

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Pretty cool feature over on Google I hadn't seen before last night - Google Trends records the number of times people use a search word over a given period of time. It then cross references peaks and valleys with items from the news that might correlate. You can even list competing words on the same chart. I'll list some as an example, I thought it might be fun to introduce a bunch of you to this cool resource.
youth ministry
purpose driven
Mariah Carey (talk about a comeback)
Xbox 360
Star Wars vs. Star Trek (this should solve this debate)
surfing vs. skiing

posted by Unknown @ 12:01 PM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


At 8/11/2006, Blogger Stevan said...

Joshua -
Have you noticed that once again you're only RSSing post summaries?

Maybe I missed the post where you decided to do this for some reason again?

At 8/11/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Shouldn't be ... looking at this

they appear to be full. No? JG

At 8/11/2006, Blogger Stevan said...

weird -
your second-to-last post just came across my bloglines subscription reader..

it was full.

my bad - something on my end, i guess!


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