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Google Searches That Lead Here: Vol 6

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to DownloadYouthMinistry.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!

Every Friday I post the keywords people have used during the week to find this little blog. Quite a list this week! I also post below that a few words I wish people could use to find this site, too:

Actual Google searches from this week that led people here
sarti webcam
soccer fakers
simply junior high podcast
father bride speech
should i believe everything i read
jake rutenbar video,
kay warren orphan
erin k and myspace
simply youth Creating an Intimate Marriage
"I Love Staff Meetings"
banjo "danny bowers"
ryan red carpet challenge
"Willow Leadership Summit" and "Photos"
cheat the church
chris collinsworth
O.C. slang
grarls barkley crazy: lyrics
future of forestry myspace
Chris collinsworth family
natalie johnson saddleback church
pirates of the carribeans: At world's end love triangle
The Fred Factor and USPS
Youth Pastor Griffin Florida
filled with the spirit jake rutenbar
Sea World annual Pass
halo and youth ministry blog
clip crazy grarls barkley
summer spectacular "saddleback church"
Jana & Leigh Sarti
jake rutenbar Filled with the spirit
history of youth ministry PDYM
"Fred Factor" book review
pdym training
Ektelon O3 Red

Google searches I wish led here
they were all planned
Playstation 3 sucks
Ramen Noodles are the best
the next big thing
subaru mountain bike car
so you think you can dance
designing a new website
blogging for beginners
I bought a new softball glove with my per dium money
elite status
bakery fresh cookies
great deals on plasma tvs
american spyplanes
I really want a Seguay


posted by Unknown @ 5:25 PM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


At 8/18/2006, Blogger EM said...

Very cool... I'm curious to know how you find this information out - have a great weekend! take it easy...

At 8/18/2006, Blogger Josh(ua) Treece said...

Josh, how do you know what peeps search in google for?

At 8/20/2006, Blogger Unknown said...

I think I explained it in Volume 2/3 of this series. People ask each week I do it - basically, I use Site Meter and they tell me the most recent key words under the referrals tab. I just collect them over the course of the week and then post on Fridays.

Some of them really crack me up!



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