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Would It Be OK?

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Let's say I get invited to speak all over the country. I know - but just go with me for a second.

Would it be OK for me to speak at a synagogue? Would it be OK for me to speak at a sporting event? Would it be OK for me to speak in a communistic country? Would it be OK for me to go on a TV show? Would it be OK if I spoke at a church that had a very different faith than I believed? Would it be OK to keynote a conference that didn't share all of the same values I did?

Let's add another layer here, too. Let's say there were absoltely no limits on what I could say. Although the place I was speaking in and I may have different messages or values, I had the freedom to say whatever I wanted in any way that was led.

Would it be OK?


posted by Unknown @ 9:43 PM |

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At 7/05/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it depends on what you talk about and if you are endorsing the views of those who you are speaking too.


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