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Google Searches That Lead Here

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Here's volume 3 of the Google searches that have led people to my blog. If you're new or curious, here's Volume 1 and Volume 2, too. There's some interesting ones, then I'll also post a list of ones that I wish led people here, too. Enjoy!

Actual Google searches
PDYM webcam
shaun blakeney saddleback
marc woodson
Greg Steir Willow Creek
dwight schrute's speech
ryans red carpet challenge
Maranatha ed horn
scott schwanbeck ign
PDYM Youth Ministry Conference Video
History of Youth Ministry Simply Youth Ministry
simply youth ministries blog
josh griffin
The history of youth ministry saddleback
summer spectacular saddleback church
"pass it on" "helping hurting kids"

Google searches I wish led here
surfing Jesus
leaders are learners
youth ministry blog
why can't christians be normal
grarls barkley crazy
youth pastor blog
religion and spirituality
are all christians nuts
a verse a day keeps the demons away
empire strikes back was the best


posted by Unknown @ 10:16 AM |

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