Goggle Searches That Lead Here
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to DownloadYouthMinistry.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
I've been checking the referral pages of Google to see how people are finding my blog, and in the last week here's a few of the search terms that have led people here:
you're beautiful parody
rick warren korea
youth group pirate recipies
josh griffin blog
the hunt volvo
jake rutenbar
shaun blakeney
Here's a few things I would love if Google picked up that eventually led people here:
student leadership
youth ministry blog
more youth group pirate recipies
national kickball team captain
pdym blog
youth pastors gone wild
dodgeball champion
leaders are learners
hyundai world domination
is purpose driven a cult
sweet hair
every man's cattle
posted by Unknown @ 7:35 AM |
SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!
- At 7/12/2006, Jeff Smith said...
I've been reading your blog since you posted it on the chem podcast. I'm a youth pastor of a small youth group and love the podcast.
A couple of questions - if you don't mind.
1. how to you embed youtube videos in your blog?
2. how did you find you what you did about google and how people find you?
thanks for your help, humor, and ... can't think of another "h" - sorry - At 7/12/2006, Unknown said...
I use Site Meter, and it tells you where people come from to get to your site. The list is from that.
As for embedding YouTube into a blog, when you find a video on their site look for the EMBED: and then highlight what comes after it. Drop that into your blog and VIOLA! You've got a movie ready to roll.
JG - At 7/14/2006, Jeff Smith said...
Thanks, I got it! Thanks for the tips.