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Cranking on the SLC Notebook

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Been slammed today on this PDYM Student Leadership notebook from 8AM until now - taking just a short break for a venue pastor meeting up at chuch (with Claimjumper to boot) and some fun interaction with the staff throughout the day. Good times.

Thought I would post a small .pdf sample of the project in it's very pre-final form if you wanted to see what I've been sweating over non-stop today. Enjoy!


posted by Unknown @ 11:43 PM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


At 7/07/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It looks great. I like the my space, journal pages and games. Makes me want to be at the conference. You could give Natalie a run for the money.

Dave Winner (podcast listener)


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