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Adventure Management Series Ends

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Another great Saddleback weekend in the can - Fields finished up his 3-week series called "Adventure Management" on the topic of relationships. At the beginning of the series people used a response card to suggest possible topics where they needed some direction or help, so we had conflict, busyness and then ended with relationships tonight. The part that spoke to me the most was on familiar strangers, the concept of being so shallow with people and never getting to the heart of the matter - and how that is a fraction of how God called us to live in community with the biblical "one anothers." Great stuff, and anytime we use Peter as an example (because I think I resemble him sometimes) I'm excited!

Passion had mid-80s tonight, we've got some fun things planned in the coming weeks for our little community as well - should be fun! God is doing some great things, many children accepted Christ this week at the Summer Spectacular, and the Gospel was clear as ever from the platform this weekend as well.


posted by Unknown @ 1:07 AM |

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