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OK, Treece did his latest Shuffle Up and Deal and it spotlights me today. Argh - I'm more than a little embarrased. I need less CCM on my iPod!


posted by Unknown @ 11:12 AM |

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At 6/30/2006, Blogger Rob Cunningham said...

K, I've done this now a few times for my students, just for kicks. It's kinda fun, and potentially embarrassing... so Josh, here's my most recent shuffle up and deal:

1. Concerto #2, Corelli
2. Mercy Endures, Hillsong
3. Concerto #11, Corelli
4. Superstar, Stellar Kart
5. Hello, Hawk Nelson

Eclectic mix that time. But not embarrassing. There's no Carrie Underwood on my iPod, but a few bands and artists on mine whose t-shirts I'd never wear to a YS event.

At 6/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Gungor,Jeremy Camp and david crowder are great. What are they on about?


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