A Great Father's Day Gift
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
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Got my dad a digital picture frame for Father's Day, went in on it with my older brother and younger sister. Dropped in a 512MB memory card from Best Buy and filled it with pictures of all three families from all across the US. Pretty great gift since all of us are so far apart. Here's what he wrote to us kids last night:
Wow. Came today and MOM (of course) commandeered it to look THREE TIMES at every picture! What fun. Cannot say “Thank You” enough, kids. What a special and thoughtful gift. And since Josh said it was for “us” because of our anniversary, it worked double time! Not sure if we will keep it in the kitchen, running pix as we prepare and cook, or . . .Happy Father's Day, old man!
Lots of ideas. Lots of love in every pix.
You’ve chosen wisely, grasshoppers.
Proud Pops
posted by Unknown @ 11:31 AM |
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