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40-40-40 Sale at SYM

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to DownloadYouthMinistry.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!

Just finished getting a whole pile of products up for the 40-40-40 sale over at SYM. It's been a ton of work, but its fun to see people snapping up great resources. We also made a video last week that makes me laugh (I hope you will, too) and there'll be a follow-up video tomorrow night on that same page. Let's just say I ate a TON of sushi.

Check it out and pick up some resources if they'll help!


posted by Unknown @ 12:06 AM |

SimplyJosh.com has now moved to MoreThanDodgeball.com - follow this link to visit the new site with new posts everyday!


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